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Comparison Stealing Your Motivation? Do This Instead…
Reading Time: 4 minutes When action-oriented people feel stuck, there are two fairly common (but frequently counterproductive) ways they seek feedback to get motivated again. See if either of

More Fun Than Tonguing A 9-Volt
Reading Time: 3 minutes Ever have one of those days when you just can’t do it? Not today. You can’t even. So stop asking. You’ve reached the end of

The Most Fun You’ve Ever Had as a Schizophrenic…
Reading Time: 2 minutes It can be so frustrating when you have a habit that you KNOW you shouldn’t do and you really want to stop, but just can’t

Don’t tell me what to do! A personal story…
Reading Time: 4 minutes It can be painful to get critical feedback from someone that you care about. After all, we are all out there doing the best we

Is This Sneaky Trap Stealing Your Power?
Reading Time: 2 minutes Let me ask you a tricky question. Would you rather live in a world where everything is a result of fate and you have absolutely

The Selfish Coach…?
Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes people ask me why I’m a coach. What would drive someone to devote their life to helping other people accomplish their goals? Wouldn’t you