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When you eliminate the zero-sum mindset, the world stops being a to-do list & starts being a canvas.
Reading Time: 5 minutes Imagine this, you’re at a party, and you witness your partner having a lively conversation with a stranger that’s been going on for an hour

Rapid Habit Practice: Learn a New Habit Fast with This Tool
Reading Time: 2 minutes Are you wanting to build a new habit, but you’re not sure how because you can’t practice it regularly? In this video, I share a quick tool that you can incorporate into your daily life to help you build any skill fast.

Imitate Before You Innovate
Reading Time: 2 minutes When you’re a smart and creative person like you, it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to innovate things right out of the gate. We want to be original, share our brilliance, and do the thing our own way.

Fear of Failure (And How To Overcome It)
Reading Time: < 1 minute Today’s topic might be a hard one. We’re going to look at failure. (Yikes! No one enjoys feeling like a failure.) Let me preface this by saying, I am not a baseball person. If you’re a die-hard baseball fan and have thoughts after this post, drop a comment, I’d love to hear from you! Let’s dive in.

How to Start a New Habit
Reading Time: 2 minutes Beginning a new habit can be frustrating because we don’t see immediate progress. Let’s be honest – we LOVE to see the fruit of our labor right away. I’m going to teach you a little trick to starting a new habit AND keeping it. Let’s dive in.

Background Noise: Barriers to Creating Content
Reading Time: < 1 minute I got to a point with my videos where I spent more time on the prepping, rehearsing and editing than I did on the actual content! When I ditched a video because I had worn the same shirt twice, I realized something HAD to change.