What To Do With a Broken Habit

Free Badass Breakout Session

women's fitness class
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Have you ever disappointed yourself?

What a lead in, huh? But seriously! Disappointment is something we all experience, especially when we are trying to create new habits and routines.

Maybe you’re like me, and you’ve been nailing your new habit. And then, all of a sudden you missed a day. Oh man! It’s SO easy to immediately beat ourselves up over it.

But what if we didn’t?

Here’s a better idea– Instead of getting frustrated (which leads to quitting, by the way) let’s choose to walk through these 3 easy steps:

  • Notice
  • Make Meaning
  • Keep going

When you miss a day, acknowledge that it happened, and consider what factors were at play. Did your environment change? That’s a huge deal, and can definitely throw off our routine. Maybe your schedule shifted and your habit missed the memo.

Once you take a look at the situation and find the culprits, make meaning of your experience. Take ownership of the moment and consider what you can learn from this experience and what you can do differently.

And last, but definitely not least, keep it moving. Who cares if you missed today?! Today was never the point. Your long term goal is the point.

So dust yourself off and keep at it.

When you look back at your progress, I bet you’ll see that one missed day wasn’t the end of the world after all.

Who’s with me? If you’ve recently had to get back on the horse (so to speak) let me know in the comments below! Let’s commit to get back at it together.


Ready to Unleash Your Authentic Power?

Experience Your Badass Breakout Session

I’m offering a limited number of one-to-one 90-minute deep dive coaching experiences, called Badass Breakout Sessions. This kind of laser-focused coaching isn’t for everyone, but if your application is accepted, we’ll get crystal clear on where you want to go and what beliefs or stories you are using to hold yourself back. You’ll leave the call with a custom strategy that you can use to unleash your inner Badass. Are you ready?

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