The Mindset Gym

Collaborative Mindset Training for Badass Business Owners

The Struggle of the Modern Business Badass...

Let’s face it. You have big dreams for your business (and your life). You want to expand your business and reach more customers, enroll a successful team, build a strong personal brand, and do work that is meaningful. 

Not to mention create the financial freedom you need to be, do, and have everything that truly makes you you. Oh, and if it’s not too much to ask… can I not burn myself out of existence in the meantime? It’s a lonely journey and you only get credit for the highlight reel.

Wouldn’t it be great to grow in a community?

Leave Behind Your Limiting Thoughts...


Imposter Syndrome

"I don't belong here. I tricked my way in, but they'll find out soon."

People Pleasing

"Other people more important than I am. I have to do more so they'll want me."


"They're doing better than me. I should be where they are."


"I'll do it later when I'm more prepared. Now is not the right time."



"If it's not perfect, it's not good enough. I can't afford to make any mistakes."

Fierce Independence

"I have to do everything myself. I can't rely on anyone else."


"I should/have to/need to do this, even if I don't want to. It's my responsibility."

Burden Complex

"I don't want to be a burden to others. I should handle this on my own."

Introducing the Mindset Gym

Welcome to the Mindset Gym, where entrepreneurs like you come to level up their mindset and outthink their challenges. This is no ordinary gym; it’s a virtual community where you’ll build mental muscles, crush limiting beliefs, and develop a strategic mindset to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

In this supportive and high-vibe online group, you’ll find the tools, resources, and connections to thrive as a business owner. From mindset breakthroughs to strategic insights, we’ve got you covered. Get ready for a world of growth, connection, and authentic transformation.

In the Mindset Gym, we believe in supporting each other to embody greatness. No more settling for limitations. It’s time to embrace your authentic self and stand in your power as a creator.

And your first month is Free!

Ever Notice That You Try Harder in a Group Exercise Class?

3 Kinds of Support


In the Mindset session, you'll develop the skills to conquer inner resistance. Just like training at the gym, you'll strengthen your mental muscles by tackling common mindset challenges that act like weights, hindering your progress. Inner resistance will be addressed head-on with targeted strategies and techniques. We'll address topics like Perfectionism, People-Pleasing, Imposter Syndrome, and more.


In the Strategic Thinking session, we'll equip you with the tools to make your goals an inevitability. We'll help you align your business with your interests, capabilities, and values. Just as a skilled trainer helps you craft a personalized workout plan at the gym, our exercises will assist you in developing a roadmap for success. In the strategy session we'll cover things like high-vibration selling, team enrollment, prioritization, and goal-setting.


The power of practicing in a supportive community cannot be overstated. It's the difference between working out on your own and going to a class. You'll become part of a group of badass business owners like you. Through collaborative exercises, discussions, and sharing, you'll harness the energy and wisdom of the community. This is the real magic of the Mindset Gym.

What You'll Get...

  • Monthly mindset training sessions to enhance resilience, optimism, and self-concept.
  • A library of practical Exercises to help you develop a resourceful mindset.
  • Mindset tools and techniques to help you stay centered, no matter what happens.
  • Monthly strategy sessions to help you create inevitable outcomes for your business.
  • Practical Exercises for leveraging your strengths and cultivating your leadership.
  • Frameworks to help you simplify your thinking so you build a business that works FOR you.
  • Access to our member’s hub (hosted by Mighty Networks) so you can tap into our network.
  • Stress-free opportunities to connect, collaborate, and meet your next business bestie.
  • A hive mind to share insights, experiences, and resources to foster collective growth.
  • Engaging discussions, virtual coffees, and collaborative problem-solving.
Mindset Success State

What You'll REALLY Get...

Strong Peer Group
In the Mindset Gym, you'll be part of a community of badass business owners, providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and support.
Resourceful Thinking
You'll develop your thinking skills, cultivating a sense of self-belief and possibility.
Freedom from Limiting Beliefs
You'll learn the tools to outthink the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, paving the way for personal and professional growth
Better Communication and Relationships
Build a solid foundation in values-based communication so that you can navigate difficult conversations and enhance all your relationships.
Enhanced Leadership and Enrollment
In the Mindset Gym, you'll practice your leadership skills and learn how to inspire and motivate others, driving business sales and team success.
Decision-Making Confidence
Improve your decision-making abilities and build confidence, empowering you to take bold actions and make strategic moves.
More Creativity
Creativity doesn't require you to wait for the muse to show up. There are simple yet effective tools to access the creative resources inside you.
Clearer Priorities
Strategic thinking starts with setting goals and objectives in alignment with your vision for your life. Practice making your goals inevitable.
Less Stress, More Resilience
You'll discover techniques to manage stress and boost your resilience, equipping you to cope with challenges and maintain your center.

My Promise to You

Look, I’m not going to guarantee you some result in your business. That’s going to depend on you. It will depend on how you show up, how you contribute to the journey of others, and how much of your heart and mind you put into the work. You know this.

I can promise you this, however. Building a business and life of your dreams isn’t magic. There is no secret weapon, no silver bullet, no magic wand. When you get clear on what you want, decide that you’ll do whatever it takes, and then consistently take action, reflect on what’s working and what’s not, and then use those reflections as fuel for more action, success is inevitable.

Deep down, I think you know this. What a container like this does is not provide you with magic to get there. It provides you with a container to keep you on track when it gets hard. It provides you with a place to reflect on the ways that you are getting in your own way. It lets you learn from other people on a similar journey, and most importantly, it provides you the support to keep moving toward your dreams.

That’s the essence of transformation: consistent action over time. If that’s what you are looking for and you are willing to show up, I guarantee that we can create that space together. Not with magic, but with community. Not with secrets, but with consistency. If that sounds like what you are looking for, then I hope you’ll join us.

— Ben Easter, Founder and Head Coach, Lucid Shift Coaching

What Clients Are Saying...

I was paralyzed in perfection and inaction. Today I can say that there is no mountain I cannot climb, no client I cannot manage and no achievement out of reach. I’ve gained immense emotional intelligence and tools for professional growth.
I can not believe what I have created - just by consistently practicing new beliefs. It's almost like SHOCKINGLY simple to derive value. And what a beautiful compounding flywheel this is. The more I put in, the more I WANT to put in.
The moment I started to work with Ben, my life and my business transformed. He helped me realize the limiting beliefs that were getting in the way of my potential. With his support, I have grown my team, revenue, and have achieved professional freedom.

Ready to Grow?

Alright, enough of my jabbering on. Let's get you started.

Oh. And I'd love for you to get a feel for the community and the vibe before you decide on anything. So did I mention? Your first month is on me.

So what are you waiting for? Reserve your spot below and don't let another day go by without discovering the power of mindset practice + community.

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